in learning about others, we learn about ourselves.
I've long been fascinated by identity. Did you know everything hinges on it? Every crisis, every problem, every revelation—it all comes back to this.
But so many things can distort our identity.
For years I worked in Advertising, and I learned so much about the human psyche, desire, image, how we perceive ourselves—and how to tap into all of it. Also how consumerism takes advantage of people.
It can take awhile to peel back all the layers, and noise—but the inner-work is so well worth it.
My Story
I grew up as an only child the first 10 years of my life. I used to doodle in my room, obsessively listen to love songs, dance in the dark and write love letters to strangers.
In my twenties I moved to New York City with hopes of becoming a novelist, but I was distracted by shiny pretty things. I moonlighted as a club DJ and after 9/11 when I lost my job, I worked part-time as a celebrity assistant. I met powerful people. Exciting people. I chased everything I was supposed to (it was all good writing material, right?) So why did I feel so empty inside?
Soon I got red lines and harsh feedback on the novel I was writing (all from a junior editor), but I hadn't developed a backbone yet, or a real sense of identity. I also fell for the trap thinking I wasn't good enough, not smart enough, not talented enough. These thoughts were on repeat in my head.
Fast forward a few different corporate roles in advertising and a few states, I found myself longing to write what was real again. I was re-discovering my calling and my purpose. Not only did it take mindset work to battle through all the old thoughts-patterns and garbage, it took a spiritual awakening, which was only possible by setting my mind to know the truth.
My hope for you in coaching is that your A-HA moments lead you to the BIG TRUTH, your truth ... why you're here, and what you were designed for. When you know your identity and you're confident in it, you can get off the hamster wheel, or start to climb out of the rut you've felt stuck in. You can set your mind on a higher purpose and everything else underneath it is properly categorized. Even the people who felt like giants in your life are now just regular people with their own shortcomings.
By capturing your thoughts, disrupting negative cycles, and rewiring your mind with truth, you can set your mind on things above and look forward to a the future with anticipation.
A little more on me, I have:
*** B.A. in Communication via SDSU
*** Completed MFA courses at New York University
*** Life Breakthrough Academy Certification in Personal Coaching
*** Identity Discipleship, GHL with Dr. Billy Doray in Danville, CA
I also happen to be a lifelong learner and avid reader/follower of Theology and Philosophy, some of my favorite research books [to name a few] are:
Switch on the Brain + Cleaning Up the Mental Mess by Dr. Caroline Leaf
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding [the Tabula Rasa: Blank Slate theory] by John Locke
Identity by T.D. Jakes
Escape from Reason by Francis A. Schaffer
I Thought It Was Just Me by Brene Brown
The Lies We Believe by Chris Thurman
The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel van der Kolk
The Wounded Heart by Dan B. Allender
Fervent by Priscilla Shirer
Defined [Who God Says You Are] by Steven and Alex Kendrick